That was cool when the Mercury News did it 8 years ago

In an effort to show how Media Cloud can be used in simple open source projects, I built a twitter bot this weekend. The premise is that the twitter bot @NYT_first_said tweets words whenever the New York Times uses them for the first time. My bot, @seen_it_news, searches a bunch of English language news sources (Washington Post, Wall St. Journal, USA Today, FOX News, among others) for uses of the word, and replies.

It was a fun little project! I would love if the Media Cloud API could look up sources by url so this could be entirely automated, but one cannot be too picky! Tweepy was a joy to work with, as was grift, which was open-sourced at my previous company.

Anyways, give the bot a follow! My favorite discovery was that “metoo” was first used three years ago by USA Today, as an answer in a quiz about the original name of Yahoo!